Bureau Meeting in Paris
- | ParisBoard Meeting in Podgorica
- | PodgoricaBoard Meeting in Vienna
- | Vienna2023 General Assembly
- | Philadelphia (USA)Marginal Intelligences. Glosses as places of creativity and difference
- | Bologna2nd Conference of the International Academy of the History of Science
- | Athens36th CIPSH General Assembly and Academic Conference
- | TokyoThe Sources for African History: rethinking methods, challenges and opportunities
- | TunisBoard Meeting in Bangkok (23-28/01/2023)
- | BangkokThe Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (1922–2022) A Century of Exploring Greek Vases: Typologies, Readings and Debates
| Brussels, 10-13 OctoberBETWEEN WORKSHOP AND COURT THE RECIPE FROM THE XIITH TO THE XVIITH CENTURIES (EUROPE, ISLAM, FAR EAST). The Recipe nr. 2 : Scientific and Technical Recipes
| Tours, 26-28 April 2022Figure del desiderio. Testi e contesti nel Mediterraneo medievale e oltre
| Bari, 24-26 May 20222020 General Assembly (2021)
- | OnlineInternational Conference - Trobada Internacional d’estudis sobre Arnau de Vilanova
| Ateneu Universitari Sant Pacià (Barcelona)Voces 2021. Fêtes et célébrations - 100 ans du Dictionnaire du Latin médiéval
- | Paris - Campus CondorcetKnowledge of the Past for the Future of Collections
| Musée de l’Homme, ParisLes actes pontificaux. Un trésor à exploiter
- | Institut historique allemand, ParisLe Dictionnaire du Latin Médiéval : réflexions méthodologiques à propos du tournant numérique
| Institut de France, ParisAfrican History and the Fontes Historiae Africanae Project of the UAI: Retrospect and Prospect
| Académie des sciences d’outre-mer, ParisThe Milesian ceramics and related to the archaic era
- | Musée du Louvre