Union Académique Internationale

Humanities and Social Sciences International Association Founded in 1919


The Board (in French : le Bureau) of the UAI is composed of one President, two Vice-Presidents and 6 members, elected for four years.The Honorary Presidents are also members of the Board, with a consultative role. The Board meets at least once a year. The Standing Committee (in French:le Bureau restreint) is composed of the President and the two Vice-Presidents.

The Bureau shall be responsible for the advance preparations for the General Assembly. It shall preside over the deliberations of the General Assembly, shall control the general administration of the uai and the promotion of its work. It shall be empowered to take urgent decisions in the interval between General Assemblies, and also, if required, to call a meeting of an Extraordinary Meeting of the General Assembly.

Board Members
NameFirst nameMembership
AndersenØivindHonorary President
Cardelle de HartmannCarmenBoard Member
CavinessMadeline H.Honorary President
De PaepeJean-LucDeputy Secretary General
HintzeAlmutBoard Member
IssaragrisilSurapolBoard Member
KozlowskiJanusz K.Honorary President
LieuSamuel N. C.Honorary President
MaróthMiklósHonorary President
MiglioratiLuisaBoard Member
Paravicini BaglianiAgostinoHonorary President
Remesal RodríguezJoséBoard Member
ViviersDidierGeneral Secretary
Witkowska-ZarembaElzbietaBoard Member

Related Documents

  • Board_2015-2017
  • Board_members.jpg